reviews ...  press ... emails ... texts ...  posts ...  words of praise ...  from all over the universe ... press press pull ...

Mr. Vague ~ Gig Journal #47, June 29, 2024:  "So many gigs! Keep up he good work!"  
--Rich in Pennsylvania

Mr. Vague ~ Open Mic Performance, May 24, 2024:  "Your acoustic licks were beautiful"  
--Bruce, Indian Land, South Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ The V-Man Files ~ Episode 2 ~ V-Man Vents ~ YouTube Watcher, February 10, 2024:  "Whats Funny is your video always pops up after I watch a Rick Beato video! But Rick can't give you interesting conttent like Dr. Shenk...!" 
--Stoker Don, Pennsylvania
(check out Stoker Don on YouTube)

Mr. Vague ~ Spy Balloon ~ YouTube Watcher, March 10, 2023:  "Funny!!" 
--Mary Ann, Indian Land, South Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ Spy Balloon ~ YouTube Watcher, March 3, 2023:  "I can see you've put a reasonably big amount of effort into this video.  It's the first of your videos Ive seen.  Subscribed my friend...." 
--Big Basil, Great Britain

Mr. Vague ~ Gear Review: Epiphone ES-339 ~ YouTube Watcher, November 26, 2022:  "Lol you're bonkers." 
--Anonymous, Somewhere in England

Mr. Vague ~ Cotswold Farmers Market thank you letter ~ August 20, 2022:  "Thank you for being an important part of the Cotswold Farmers Market.  You are much appreciated" 
--Cotswold Farmers Market, Charlotte, North Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ A Tale of Two Tuners ~ YouTube watcher,  March 3, 2022:  "You're a Wood Spirit !!!" 
--Phil in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania

Mr. Vague ~ Norwegian Wood ~ Songs from a Bathroom ~ YouTube watcher,  December 10, 2021:  "Wow very cool rendition!  Bravi.  I left a comment" 
--Galeazzo Frudua from Italy Beatles Vocal Harmony

Mr. Vague ~ Set Lists ~ How to Make Them ~ YouTube watcher,  November 8, 2021:  "Loved that video!  Your characters are hysterical!" 
--Terry in Indian Land, South Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ Surf Green Telecaster Build ~ YouTube watcher,  August 23, 2021:  "Thank you for sharing the video.  The build turned out really nice!" 
--Michael of Rosser Guitars, North Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ Surf Green Telecaster Build ~ YouTube watcher,  August 23, 2021:  "Nice job on Surf Green!! I like it" 
--John in Richboro, Pennisylvania

Mr. Vague ~ What Makes This Tune Tasty #3 Joni Mitchell's Court and Spark ~ YouTube watcher,  August 18, 2021:  "That's cool, bro !! You're a talented fellow !"
--Mark from Holland (The Netherlands) Mark from Holland

Mr. Vague live at Cotswold Farmers Market listener,  July 31, 2021:  "You are an awesome musician!" 
--Margaret in Charlotte, North Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ What Makes This Tune Tasty #2 Alice Cooper's Is It My Body  ~ YouTube watcher, June 26, 2021:  "Loved This!" 
--Terry in Indian Land, South Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ Pedal Phase Craze  ~ YouTube watcher, June 17, 2021:  "Nice shootout! Nice ween shirt!" 
--Adam of Sweetwater Music

Mr. Vague ~ Bowl of Turd Bay ~ YouTube watcher, September 19, 2020:  "One of my all-time favorites" 
--Gordon in Wilmington, Delaware

Mr. Vague ~ Dectectorists (Johnny Flynn cover) ~ Songs from a Bathroom ~ YouTube watcher, August 28, 2020:  "Cool man! We loved that series!" 
--Wally in Virginia

Mr. Vague ~ Nail Care 101 for the Guitarist/Singer-Songwriter/Combo Player ~ YouTube watcher, August 25, 2020:  "What about the cuticles?  Love your Telecaster." 
--John in Camarillo, California

Mr. Vague ~ 2 Blues Licks in 2 Minutes ~ Episode 2 ~ YouTube watcher, August 15, 2020:  "This is a wonderful video!  I re-started my piano having not played for the past 20 years.  So I actually understood the theory you were teaching.  Nice job, plus I had no idea the level of technical skill you had in your fingers! 
--Michael in San Francisco, California

Mr. Vague ~ Love is Green (Jeff Beck cover) ~ YouTube watcher, August 2, 2020:  "Thats some mighty fine pickin right there!"
--Paul in Indian Land, South Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ The March of the Rubber Ducky ~ YouTube watcher, May 19, 2020:  "That was delightful  Thank you!!"
--Nora in Noristown, Pennsylvania

Mr. Vague ~ Next Time Around ~ YouTube watcher, April 29, 2020:  "Nicely done!!"
--Will in Everett, Washington

Mr. Vague ~ What Happened to the Day ~ Bandcamp listener, April 11, 2020:  "I loved this.  I shared it on FB"
--Geri in Atlantic  City, New Jersey

Mr. Vague ~ Through the Glass ~ Bandcamp listener, March 10, 2020:  "I really like this track!"
--Paul in Indian Land, South Carolina

Mr. Vague ~ Corn Dog ~ Some A-Hole Said ~ Bandcamp listener, January 27, 2020:  "Like the song a lot!  Pretty intense too!!"
--Rutger in The Netherlands

Facebook message: Mr. Vague online music video, June 12, 2019:  Mr. Vague "Thats wonderfull!!! Hot Cake Blues! Love it!"
--Donna in Harlingen, Texas

The Mr. Vague Trio at Sweet Union Brewing November 10, 2018:  The Mr. Vague Trio.  "We really enjoyed listening to you guys on Saturday.  Y'all were great!"
--Mary Ann in  Indian Land, South Carolina

The Mr. Vague Trio (With Mike) at Woodstock Era Benefit, October 21, 2018:  "Words cannot express our sincere gratitude for your time and talent that you so generously gave to participate in the Woodstock Era Concert to benefit the Lancaster Children's Home. We truly appreciate the extra time in your travels to come to Sun City for all the rehearsals for this benefit performance (and we know there were many!). You all really went "above and beyond". We are so thankful for your generosity and we know the Lancaster Children's Home will be very grateful as well. " "
--The Friends of Lancaster Children's Home Club, Indian Land, South Carolina

The Mr. Vague Trio (With Mike) at Woodstock Era Benefit, October 21, 2018:  "Mr. Vague Trio. You know that I love each of you for all that you gave of yourselves.  Bill (Fingers Bill), your drumming was extraordinary and kept us all in rhythm. Your, Born To Be Wild was so good.  I really do not know how we could have done this without you.  Steve (Mr. Vague), you and your guitar are both so smooth.  When you sang last night, I think it was the first time I really heard you perform. I love the way sing so easily yet still rock the music. I think you are the, Perry Como of Rock and Roll. (Google him) Thank you for your beautiful riffs and your rockin' rhythm that made each song very special.  Tim (The Tim Man), you are so cool. Your beautiful bass playing, anchored all that we did.   You were the proverbial, "Calm in the storm."  Mike, you were great last night.  Your moves were cool and your playing was that, "just something extra" that rounded out the band and yes, when you stood, it was very cool. "
--Sue, Director of the Woodstock Era Benefit Concert, Indian Land, South Carolina

The Mr. Vague Trio (With Mike) at Woodstock Era Benefit, October 21, 2018:  "Words cannot express out sincere gratitude for your time and talent that you so generously gave to participate in the Woodstock Era Concert to benefit the Lancaster Children's Home.  We truly appreciate the extra time in your travels to come to all the rehearsals for this benefit performance (and we know there were many!).  You all really went "above and beyond".  We are so thankful for your generosity and we know the Lancaster Children's Home will be very grateful as well."
--The Friends of Lancaster Children's Home Club, Lancaster, South Carolina

Mr. Vague live at the 16th Annual Oyster Roast benefit, March 24, 2018:  "Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful talent with us last night."
--Fran from the Providence Rotary Club, Charlotte, North Carolina

The Mr. Vague Trio opening D9 Brewing Company Summer Series Concert, March 25, 2017:  "Thanks.  Great Set !"
--Josh from D9 Brewing Company in Cornelius, North Carolina

Mr. Vague solo show at Vintner Wine Market, Charlotte, North Carolina, February 19, 2016:  "Wow, what a set list, makes me want to take a ride to NC"
--Chris in Ocean City, New Jersey

Mr. Vague new online music: Corn Dog review, November 2014: "Thank you.  It's super (as usual). "
--Kathie in New Jersey

Email in regard to Vintner Wine Room set list, December, 2009 To Mr. Vague:  "You may be able to claim the late James Brown's title of 'The Hardest Working Man In Show Business"... Besides being an interesting and good set list, it's a long one! They are getting their money's worth from you! "
--Joe in Vermont

Video Watcher/Listener, August 24, 2009 To Mr. Vague:  "I am a longtime fan and friend (but not  longtime friend, if you catch my meaning) of Mr. Vague. After viewing his latest offering on YouTube, I was struck by two delightful and wholly unrelated impressions. The first: Mr. Vague is a professional. I say this with the utmost sincerity. Mr. Vague was unfazed as people strolled back and forth (seemingly fazed) in front of the stage. As these folks meandered back and forth like one of the lost tribes of Israel, Mr. Vague and his flautist, Geri Rizzo, played a delightful (and improvised version) of Vague's own "Hotcake Blues", which leads me to my second impression. I have known Mr. Vague for over twenty years and during that time I have had the privilege to listen to his vocal stylings. Time has served Mr. Vague's voice well. With each passing year, his voice grows (dare I say it?), sweeter. His is a melodious and unobtrusive warble (and I mean that in the nicest possible way). Listening to Mr. Vague is akin to spending a warm sunny morning  on a secluded beach. Time ebbs by and once you are ensconced, you simply do not want to stir."
--Darren --Unsolicited Music Critic, San Francisco, California

Video Watcher/Listener, August 23, 2009 To Mr. Vague:  "I love it!  It has a Hot Tuna sound"
--Kathie, Atlantic City, New Jersey

Video Watcher/Listener, August 23, 2009 To Mr. Vague:  "Killer Dude! I never seen you play.  Pass the syrup"
--Chris in Pennsylvania

Myspace Listener, October 2, 2008  To Mr. Vague (in regard to Mr. Vague music on "I clicked, I listened, I liked."
--Rob in New Jersey

Private Party, Wilmington, DE, June 23, 2003 "To Mr. Vague: Thank you for a great performance!!!!!!!!! Our guests enjoyed you so much. It made the party so much better and 'Crash' was so happy. Thank you and for your efforts in making it a success."
--Maureen in Delaware

Center for the Performing Arts, Film Brothers Production of ‘Routes’ Premiere, Wilmington, DE, November 16, 2002 "To Mr. Vague: Thanks to you for your tremendous work on the music score for our latest film, ROUTES. Music makes or breaks a movie. And your music certainly made ours successful. "
--Gordon DelGiorno Film Brothers Production

Mr. Vague with Not So Silent Bob at the Beef, Beer, & Bonfire Party, West Chester, PA, November 4, 2001
Mr. Vague:  We can't tell you how much we enjoyed having you both play at the Beef, Beer and Bonfire. You made the evening truly special. Thanks for coming out and brightening-up the evening festivities.  We look forward to hearing you play again soon!
--Chuck and Laura in Pennsylvania

Mr. Vague at the Farm Party, Wilmington, DE, May 19, 2001
Mr. Vague: Thanks for playing, and I'm glad that you had such a good time at the party.  I heard many words of praise on you music, you were a perfect fit for the party! Thanks again!
--Josh in Delaware

Mr. Vague, Big Shout Magazine, Issue No. 161, December 19, 2000 - January 16, 2001 Ebenezer’s Cafe
Ebenezer’s Cafe, located in the Shoppes at Smithbridge, is a relaxing eatery complete with comfortable chairs and an inviting fireplace. The menu offers light fare, gourmet pastries, and specialty coffees. In addition, Ebenezer’s presents live music on Friday and Saturday nights, featuring predominately solo acoustic performers and occasionally jazz musicians.
In this relaxing atmosphere, Mr. Vague performed a 90-minute set included both covers and original material. While the covers were an interesting mix of 70’s acoustic artists and 60’s psychedelic bands, the set still managed to retain its continuity. Surprisingly, songs like Al Stewart’s "Last Day of June 1934" and "Songs out of Clay" worked well with Jefferson Airplane’s "Genesis" and The Zombies’ "Beachwood Park." Even though he lacked the backing of a band, his stripped down versions of "Genesis" and "Beachwood Park" retained their power. Other covers included Joni Mitchell’s "Urge for Going" and Tom Waits’ "Can’t Wait to Get off Work."
Mr. Vague’s original material, consisting of "100,000 Deaths," "Ginny," "Just Once More," "Spider Web" and "Through the Glass" worked well with the covers. His songwriting also revealed much of the same political commentary and forlorn feelings of the covers. Mr. Vague did not talk much during his performance, but was willing to grant requests. The sound quality was excellent and his vocals hit the right note.
Generally, solo acoustic acts do not lend themselves to rambunctious stage shows and in keeping with Mr. Vague was no exception. Instead, he provided, in the comfortable setting of Ebenezer’s Cafe, powerful music worth contemplating.

--S. Dixon in Delaware